
时间:6.30(周一) 900-1030 报告
题目:Ultra High Capacity Optical Communication Systems: current status and future perspective
摘要:The ever increasing internet traffic has created the need for increasing the transmission capacity of optical communication systems. The use of advanced modulation formats and coherent detection as well as high speed signal processing techniques have significantly changed the design of optical communication systems. Many of the signal process functions previously carried out in optical domain such as dispersion compensation, PMD compensation, polarization demultiplexing are now routinely realized electrically. In addition, adaptive signal processing, which was very difficult to be implemented in optical domain is now possible. In the presentation, some of the recent progress in digital signal processing techniques for high capacity long haul optical communication systems as well as its application to short reach optical communication systems will be discussed. Some of the key challenges and future development will be highlighted.
时间:6.30(周一) 1400-1600 讲座
内容:Coherent Optical Communications 相干光通信
时间:7.1 (周二) 900-1030 座谈
内容: 1. 项目合作
2. 相关学科教师访学及学生学术交流等。
19632月生,香港开运体育官方网站(中国)开运湖南有限公司大学电子及资讯工程学系,教授。曾任南洋开运体育官方网站(中国)开运湖南有限公司大学电机与电子工程学院副教授,新加坡信息通信研究院首席科学家、光波部主任。他的研究领域包括光通信、光纤传感、光纤光栅、光纤器件与系统,已在国际权威学术刊物及国际会议上发表论文400余篇,拥有多项专利。在该领域,他是受到国际同行认可的香港地区代表人物之一。他所在的香港开运体育官方网站(中国)开运湖南有限公司大学光电子研究中心,长期从事光纤光电子相关技术领域研究,研究水平和设施装备在亚洲属于顶级地位,在国际上也处于领先地位。吕教授是IEEE LEOS新加坡分会的创始主席,是20多个国际会议技术专题的主席和委员会成员,数十次获邀在国际会议发表邀请报告。担任中国科技大学、南开大学、华中科技大学、大连开运体育官方网站(中国)开运湖南有限公司大学、北京交通大学、中国计量学院、英国诺森比亚大学的客座教授。是Optics Express副主編(Associate Editor)和Chinese Optics Letters的编辑(Topical Editor)。
1. 199012  英国曼切斯特大学,电子工程,博士。
2. 198712  英国曼切斯特大学,通信工程,工学硕士。
3. 19857   清华大学,电子工程,学士。
1.20064-          香港开运体育官方网站(中国)开运湖南有限公司大学,电子与信息工程系,教授。
2.19991-20064  新加坡南洋开运体育官方网站(中国)开运湖南有限公司大学,电气与电子工程学院,副教授。
3.20041-200512  新加坡信息通信研究所,光学部,主任。
4.20034-200312  新加坡信息通信研究所,首席科学家。
5.20026-20033  新加坡通信研究所,项目主任。
6.19977-199812  新加坡南洋开运体育官方网站(中国)开运湖南有限公司大学,电气与电子工程学院,高级讲师。
7.19915-199612  新加坡南洋开运体育官方网站(中国)开运湖南有限公司大学,电气与电子工程学院,讲师。
1. 期刊论文
1. A. C. L. Wong, W. H. Chung, C. Lu and H. Y. Tam, “Single tilted Bragg reflector fiber laser for simultaneous sensing of refractive index and temperature”, Optics Express 19, 409-414, 2011.
2. T. Guo, A. C. L. Wong, W. S. Liu, B. O. Guan, C. Lu and H. Y. Tam, “Beat-frequency adjustable Er3+-doped DBR fiber laser for ultrasound detection”, Optics Express 19, 2485-2492, 2011.
3. A. C. L. Wong, D. Chen, H. J. Wang, W. H. Chung, H. Y. Tam, C. Lu and B. O. Guan, “Extremely short distributed Bragg reflector fiber lasers with sub-kilohertz linewidth and ultra-low polarization beat frequency for sensing applications”, Measurement Science and Technology Vol. 22, No. 4, 2011
4. Dawei Wang, Chao Lu, Alan Pak Tao Lau, and Sailing He, “Adaptive Chromatic Dispersion Compensation for Coherent Communication Systems Using Delay-tap Sampling Technique”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 23, no. 14, pp. 1016-1018, Jul. 15, 2011
5. L. Chen, Z. Li, C. Lu, A.P.T. Lau, H.Y. Tam and P.K.A. Wai, “Chromatic Dispersion Monitoring Based on Variance of Received Optical Power” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 23, no. 8, pp. 486-488, Apr. 15,2011
6. A Fernandez, Y Mao, C. Lu, Jacques W D Chi “Combination of Phase Modulation and Coding for SNR enhancement in Distributed Brillouin Sensors,” Electronics Letters., Vol. 47, No 8, April 2011
7. F.N. Khan, A.P.T. Lau, C. Lu and P.K.A. Wai, “Chromatic dispersion monitoring for multiple modulation formats and data rates using sideband optical filtering and asynchronous amplitude sampling technique,” Optics Express, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 1007-1015, Jan. 2011.
8. J. Yang, C. Yu, L. Cheng, Z. Li, C. Lu, A.P.T. Lau, H.Y. Tam and P.K.A. Wai, “CD-insensitive PMD monitoring based on RF power measurement,” Optics Express, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 1354-1359, Jan. 2011.
9. A.P.T. Lau, Z. Li, F. N. Khan, C. Lu and P. K. A. Wai, “Analysis of signed chromatic dispersion monitoring by waveform asymmetry for differentially-coherent phase-modulated systems,” Optics Express, vol.19, no. 5, pp. 4147-4156, Feb. 2011.
10. D W Wang, C Lu, A P T Lau, S L He, “Adaptive Chromatic Dispersion Compensation for Coherent Communication Systems Using Delay-Tap Sampling Technique”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 23, No. 14, pp. 1016-1018, Jul 2011.
11. S H Wang, D W Wang, C Lu, T H Cheng, P K A Wai, “Multiple Raman Pump Assisted Fiber Optical Parametric Amplifiers”, Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 29, No. 17, pp. 2601-2608, Sept. 2011
12. Jie Li, Yuan Mao, C. Lu, H.Y. Tam and P.K.A. Wai, “Polarization Splitting of Photonic Crystal Fiber with Hybrid Guidance Mechanisms,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 23, No. 18, pp. 1358–60, September 2011.
13. Chuang Wu, B.O. Guan, C. Lu and H.Y. Tam, “Salinity Sensor Based on Polyimide-Coated Photonic Crystal Fiber,” Optics Express, Vol. 19 No. 21, pp. 20003–8, October 2011
14. Yuliang Gao, A.P.T. Lau, Shuangyi Yan and C. Lu, “Low-Complexity and Phase Noise Tolerant Carrier Phase Estimation for Dual-Polarization 16-QAM Systems,” Optics Express, Vol. 19, No. 22, pp. 21717–29,October 2011.
15. Jing Yang, Changyuan Yu, Y.F. Yang, L.H. Cheng, Z.H. Li, C. Lu, A.P.T. Lau, H.Y. Tam and P.K.A. Wai, “PMD-Insensitive CD Monitoring Based on RF Clock Power Ratio Measurement with Optical Notch Filter,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 23, No. 21, pp. 1576–8, November 2011
16. Y.F. Yang, C. Lu, A.P.T. Lau, Y. Yao, Y.X. Sun, J.J. Xiao, H.Y. Tam and P.K.A. Wai, “A Robust and Dither-Free Technique for Controlling Driver Signal Amplitude for Stable and Arbitrary Optical Phase Modulation,” Optics Express, Vol. 19, No. 27, pp. 26353–8, December 2011
17. Y Yan, A Q Liu, L K Chin, X M Zhang, D P Tsai, C L Lin, C Lu, G P Wang, N I Zheludev, “Optofluidic waveguide as a transformation optics device for lightwave bending and manipulation”, Nature Communications, DOI 10.1038, ncomms1662, pp1-7, January 2012.
18. Neng Bai, Ezra Ip, Yue-Kai Huang, Eduardo Mateo, Fatih Yaman, Ming-Jun Li, Scott Bickham, Sergey Ten,Jesus Linares, Carlos Montero, Vicente Moreno, Xesus Prieto, Vincent Tse, Kit Man Chung, A.P.T. Lau, H.Y.Tam, C. Lu, Yanhua Luo, Gang-Ding Peng, Guifang Li and Ting Wang, “Mode-Division Multiplexed Transmission with Inline Few-Mode Fiber Amplifier,” Optics Express, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 2668–80, January 2012
19. X.H. Feng, C. Lu, H.Y. Tam, P.K.A. Wai, D.Y. Tang and B.O. Guan, “Mechanism for Stable, Ultra-Flat Multiwavelength Operation in Erbium-Doped Fiber Lasers Employing Intensity-Dependent Loss,” Optics and Laser Technology, Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 74–7, February 2012.
20. Kit Man Chung, Zhengyong Liu, C. Lu and H.Y. Tam, “Highly Sensitive Compact Force Sensor Based on Microfiber Bragg Grating,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 24, No. 8, pp. 700–2, April 2012
21. Kit Man Chung, Zhengyong Liu, C. Lu and H.Y. Tam, “Single Reflective Mode Fiber Bragg Grating in Multimode Microfiber,” IEEE Photonics Journal, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 437–42, April 2012.
22. F.N. Khan, Yudi Zhou, A.P.T. Lau and C. Lu, “Modulation Format Identification in Heterogeneous Fiber-Optic Networks using Artificial Neural Networks,” Optics Express, Vol. 20, No. 11, pp. 12422–31, May 2012
23. F.N. Khan, T.S.R. Shen, Yudi Zhou, A.P.T. Lau and C. Lu, “Optical Performance Monitoring Using Artificial Neural Networks Trained with Empirical Moments of Asynchronously Sampled Signal Amplitudes,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 24, No. 12, pp. 982–4, June 2012
24. Y. Gao, A.P.T. Lau, C. Lu, J. Wu, Y. Li, K. Xu, W. Li and J. Lin, “Low-Complexity Two-Stage Carrier Phase Estimation for 16-QAM Systems using QPSK Partitioning and Maximum Likelihood Detection,” paper OMJ6, OFC/NFOEC, Los Angeles, USA, March 2011.
25. E. Ip, N. Bai, Y.K. Huang, E. Mateo, F. Yaman, S. Bickham, M.-J. Li, S. Ten, V. Tse, K. M. Chung, A.P.T. Lau, H.Y. Tam, C. Lu, G.D. Peng, C. Montero, X. Prieto, G. Li, “88x3x112-Gb/s WDM transmission over 50-km of three mode fiber with inline multimode fiber amplifier,” Post-deadline paper Th.13.C.2, 37th European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC),Geneva, Sept. 2011.
26. S. Yan, D. Wang, Y. Gao, C. Lu, A.P.T. Lau, L. Liu and X. Xu, “Generation of Square or Hexagonal 16-QAM Signals Using a Single Dual Drive IQ Modulator Driven by Binary Signals,” Proceedings, the Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition and the National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference(OFC/NFOEC’2012), March 2012, Los Angeles, U.S.A.
1. Xiaoke Yi, Chao Lu, Tong Chen and Robert Minasian, "Sensitive rapid response optical sensor and method," Australian Provisional Patent, No 2012902626, filed, July 2012
3. Xiaogeng Xu, Chao Lu, “Method and apparatus for generating DQPSK encoding optical signal” US patent US8.238.747 B2, 7 August, 2012